First-ever Rosie the Riveter Honor Flight to Washington D.C.!


Our Rosies participated in the first ever Rosie the Riveter Honor Flight to Washington, D.C. in March of 2016. This wonderful opportunity was organized by Talons Out Honor Flight organization, and funded by the Ford Foundation, who partnered with the American Rosie the Riveter Association to locate and gather Rosies for the flight.

With a very early start in the morning, Delta Airlines chartered a special "Rosie" jet, and the ladies were on their way. When they landed in Washington DC, they were feted by throngs of greeters and well-wishers. Then they were shuttled to the Capitol Steps for the photo opp of a lifetime, where they were greeted by several congressmen and women. Then they went to the Library of Congress for a special address by Reps. Debbie Dingell and Candace Miller, and a very nice luncheon.

Then for some sightseeing at the National World War II Memorial, where they were interviewed in front of the fountain by several TV crews, the Women In Military Service for America Memorial where they were greeted by Brig. Gen. Wilma Vaught (ret.), and Arlington National Cemetery where they witness the changing of the guard.

During WWII, Rosie the Riveter served her nation. Today, a grateful nation paid her back!

Jeannette Gutierrrez